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The S.S. Moorlands

ASHORE IN DENSE FOG Holy Island, Northumberland.—-At 9.22 in the morning of the 31st of May, 1947, the coastguard telephoned that a vessel was sounding her siren, and the motor life-boat Gertrude was launched at 9.43 in a light northerly wind, with a slight sea, and, a dense fog. On the Plough Rock a mile to the eastward of the island, the life-boat found the S.S. Moorlands, of Methil, with a crew of ten, bound, in ballast, from Leith for Sunderland, aground. She stood by until, with the rising tide, the steamer got off. Although the steamer was holed in two places she was able to make for Blyth when the fog lifted.

At one o'clock in the afternoon the life-boat left her and got back to her station at 1.45.—Rewards, £11 16s. 6dL.