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The S.S. Georgie

10,000-TON STEAMER HELPED Bembridge, Isle of Wight.—At 9.36 in the morning of the 15th of April, 1947, the Foreland coastguard reported that a message had been received from the Atherfield coastguard that a vessel was ashore 400 yards west of Rocken . End. A later message said that the life-boat was not needed, but at 10.32 the naval commander-in-chief at Portsmouth asked that the life-boat should put out to join a sloop in a search for the vessel. A light south- south-west breeze was blowing and there was a ground swell. The motor life,-boat, Jesse Lumb, was launched at 10.5^ and found the S.S. Georgie, of Panama, a vessel of about 10,000 tons. She was making water, and the life-boat stood by until tugs arrived. She then returned to her station, arriving at 6.0 that evening.— Rewards, £16 13s..