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The S.S. Fort Ellice

LANDING AN INJURED MAN Teesmouth, Yorkshire.—On the morning of the 1st of June, 1947, a wireless message came from the S.S.

Fort Ellice that she wished to land a man with a broken leg and other injuries. The case was urgent and the motor life-boat J. W. Archer was launched at 12.35 with a reduced crew m f°ggy weather. At one'o'clock she reached the steamer and took on board the injured man and his son. Return- ing to Teesmouth she completed her ! crew, arranged for an ambulance to j 'be in readiness at Middlesbrough ahd took the man there. She returned to her station again at 4.5 in the afternoon.

—Rewards, £12 10*. 6d. A donation of £10 10*. was received from the owners of the steamer..