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The Former Royal Air Force Rescue Launch Golden Gremlin

OLD RESCUE LAUNCH RESCUED Torbay, Devon.—At 12.25 in the afternoon of the 16th of March, 1947, the Berry Head coastguard reported that a message had been received from the Torquay police that a resident had seen a small vessel of a naval type firing red lights off Hopes Nose. A fresh south-south-west breeze was blow- ing with a heavy sea. The motor life- boat George Shee was launched at 12.45 and found the former Royal Air Force rescue launch, Golden Gremlin, one hundred yards south-west of Flat Rock.

She was bound for Torquay, but her engines had broken down and she was dragging her anchor towards the rock.

She had four men on board. The life-boat towed her to Brixham and arrived back at her station at 2.45.— Property Salvage Case..