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The Ex-Naval Patrol Boat Nefirtari

OFF BEACHY HEAD Eastbourne, Sussex.—At about 6.0 ill the morning of the 31st of March, 1947, the coastguard reported that a boat, with one man on board, was drag- ging her anchor and making flares five and a half miles south-west of the coast- guard station. A moderate south- westerly breeze was blowing, the sea was rough, and it was foggy. The motor life-boat Jane Holland was launched at 6.20 and found the ex-naval patrol boat, Nefirtari, one mile oft Beachy Head. She had been in tow of a fishing boat but had broken away and had been drifting for about six hours in heavy seas. The life-boat towed her to Newhaven and arrived back at her station at 1.45 that after- noon.—Rewards, £37 7s..