The Ex-Naval Drifter Bountiful
IN DANGER OF CAPSIZING Ramsgate, Kent.-—At 7.10 in the evening of the 5th of July, 1947, it was reported that a vessel had grounded on Quern Shoal. The tide was ebbing, the vessel was listing dangerously, and at 7.20 the motor life-boat Prudential was launched in a light west-south-west breeze and slight sea. She found the Bountiful, an ex-naval drifter, bound for Southampton with a crew of five, on the Brake Sands. There was a heavy cross swell on the sands and it was feared that the drifter would" capsize.
The life-boat ran out a kedge anchor for her and when the tide had risen towed her clear and escorted her to harbour, arriving back at her station at 12.45 next morning.—Rewards, 15s.
Property Salvage Case..