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BOY FALLS FROM THE CLIFFS Wicklow.—On the evening of the 18th of May, 1947, a boy fell from the cliffs into the sea near the Wicklow Head Lighthouse. A life-buoy was thrown to him by a keeper and, although exhausted, the boy -was able to support himself on it. The keeper then telephoned to the life-boat station and the motor life-boat Lady Kylsant was launched at 6.20 in a light south- east wind and a smooth sea, but the tide was low, and she grounded at the toe of the slipway. A motor boat, with a crew of five and the second coxswain in charge, was at once sent off by the coxswain, followed a few minutes later by the life-boat herself, with a doctor on board. The motor boat picked up the boy and transferred him to the life-boat for the doctor's care. With the small boat in tow the life-boat got back to harbour at 7.30 and the boy was sent to hospital.—Rewards, £12 2s..