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HOLY ISLAND WITHOUT FOOD Holy Island, Northumberland.—By the 15th of March, 1947, with the roads blocked by sriow, no bread or other provisions had been received at Holy Island for nearly a week and it was decided that the life-boat should fetch supplies from the mainland. A slight north-westerly breeze was blowing and the sea was calm when the motor life- boat Gertrude was launched at 10.0 that morning, for Berwick. There she took on board the food and also, at the request of a native of Holy Island who lived at Berwick, the body of his brother whose funeral had been arranged at Holy Island on the next day. She left for her station at 3.30 and arrived at 6.0 that evening. No rewards were desired by the crew, but a contribution to the funds of the Institution was received from the relatives of the dead man..