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Life-Boat Calendars and Christmas Card

THEE.E will again be two life-boat calendars ready for Christmas, one for hanging and the other for the pocket or handbag, and this year the Institution will also issue a Christmas card, the first since 1941.

The hanging calendar will have a reproduction, in colours, of a portrait, recently discovered in an antique shop, of an east-coast life-boatman of over seventy years ago. This calendar is 7ins. by 9Jins. The price is 1*., including the envelope, or 12 for 10s., and it can be sent through the post for Id.

The pocket calendar is 2 ins. by 3 ins.

with a black and white portrait of a life-boatman on the front, and the Institution's crest on the back. This calendar can only be supplied in dozens and the price is 2s. for the first dozen and Is. 6d. for each additional dozen.

The Christmas card has four pages, printed in sepia, with pictures of a crew getting ready, and the launch of the life-boat, and on the back the Institution's crest. The price, "including the envelope is 1 d. Name and address can be printed in, if not less than two dozen cards are ordered, at an added cost of 13s. for the first two dozen, and 2s. 3d. for each additional two dozen or part of two dozen.

Orders should be sent to the Secretary, Royal National Life-boat Institution, 42, Grosvenor Gardens, London, W.I, with postal order or stamps enclosed..