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ONE MAN IN A BARGE RESCUED Selsey, Sussex.—At 8.20 in the morn- ing of the 15th of March, 1947, the coastguard reported that a vessel at anchor three miles south-west from Bill Tower Look-out was flying a distress signal. A moderate south-east breeze was blowing, with a choppy sea.

The motor life-boat Canadian Pacific was launched at 8.35 and found the motor barge Jessie, of Portsmouth.

She had been in tow from Portsmouth to Littlehampton, but the towing vessel had broken down and had left the barge with only one man on board.

The life-boat rescued him and landed him at 10 o'clock. On the following day the Jessie was towed in by a tug.— Rewards, £12 19s. 6d..