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Heron (1)

GREEK AND DANISH STEAMERS IN COLLISION Dover, and Walmer, Kent.—On the morning of the 28th of June, 1947, the steamer Heron, of Piraeus, was in collision with the Danish steamer Stal, of Copenhagen, and sank fourteen miles east-south-east of Dungeness, at 6.56.

She sent out wireless calls for help which the coastguard passed to the life-boat stations at Dover and Walmer.

The Walmer motor life-boat Charles Dibdin, Civil Service No, 2 was launched at 10.25. The sea was calm, but it was foggy. The life-boat searched, but found nothing and at 11.20 her station recalled her as it had learned that a motor vessel had picked up survivors.

Meanwhile the Dover motor life-boat J. B. Proudfoot put out at 11.10. This was her first service since the re-opening of the station after the war. On her way out she received a wireless message that the British motor vessel Suavity had picked up the Heron's crew, except for one man missing, and was making for' Dover. The life-boat met her two miles off Dover, took on board from her the twenty-three men of the Heron and a pilot, and landed them at Dover at 12.25. She also brought in a ship's boat.—Rewards, Dover, £5; Walmer, £13 17*..