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Golden Lily

A LONG TOW Campbeltown, Argyllshire.—About 3.30 in the afternoon of the 5th of March, 1947, information was received from the Southend coastguard that the Fraserburgh motor fishing vessel Golden Lily had broken down east of Sanda, and that the Portpatrick Radio Station was trying to get into touch with another'vessel to go to her aid.

An east-north-east breezs was blowing, with a choppy sea, night was approach- ing and there was a threat of snow.

When the motor life-boat City of Glas- gow was launched just after four, she came up with the fishing vessel eight miles east-south-east of Sanda. Her skipper asked at first to be towed to Ayr, then he wanted to be taken towards a drifter fishing in the neigh- bourhood, but finally he decided to go to Campbeltown. With the fishing boat in tow the life-boat reached Campbeltown at 10.20 that night.— Property Salvage Case..