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The Western Light-vessel

TAKING A DOCTOR TO A LIGHT-VESSEL Llandudno, Caernarvonshire.—On January 21st, 1947, while the Western Light-vessel was being towed to another position, the wire tow-rope parted, one of the light-vessel's crew was seriously injured, and at 3.30 in the afternoon the Mersey Docks and Har- bour Board telephoned to the life-boat station asking if the life-boat could take out a doctor. A moderate wind was blowing from the south-east and there was a swell when the motor life- boat Thomas and Annie Wade Richards was launched at four o'clock with the doctor on board. She found the light- vessel sixteen miles off Great Orme's Head, and after the doctor had attended to the injured man brought him back, arriving at 10.0 that night. The Mersey Docks and Harbour Board expressed their thanks and paid the cost of the service.—Rewards, £27 8*..