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The S.S. Skoghaug

STANDING BY FOR 22 HOURS Dunbar, Haddingtonshire.—At 12.24 in the afternoon of January 20th, 1947, the coastguard telephoned that a vessel had run aground on the Black Rocks one mile south-east of Dunbar in a thick fog. The weather was calm.

The motor life-boat George, and, Sarah Strachan was launched at 12.30 and found the S.S. Skoghaug, of Haugesund, bound for Leith laden with pit-props.

She was damaged below the water-line and making water. The master asked the coxswain to stand by, and the life- boat did so for twenty-two hours until a salvage vessel arrived. She then returned to the station, arriving at 10.45 A.M. on the 21st.—Rewards, £43 15s..