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The S.S. Irish Fir

TAKING OUT A PILOT Aith, Shetlands.—At 9.30 in the morning of January 10th, 1947, the harbour-master at Lerwick telephoned that Wick Radio had transmitted a 'message from the S.S. Irish Fir, of Dublin, which was storm-bound in St.

Magnus Bay, asking for a pilot. A full south-easterly gale was blowing with a rough sea, and visibility was poor. As no ordinary boat could put to sea in that weather the harbour- master asked the Aith life-boat to take out a pilot, if one were sent from Lerwick, and The Rank-in left with him at 10.7, put him on board the steamer, and returned at 12.25 in the afternoon.—Rewards, £8 15.s..