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The S.S. Henry Middleton

AMERICAN STEAMER AGROUND Falmouth, Cornwall. — Shortly after 1.0 in the morning of February 1st, 1947, information was received from the coastguard that a steamer in the harbour was showing signals of distress.

A south-east gale was blowing with a rough sea and heavy rain. The motor life-boat Crawford and 'Constance Cony- beare was launched at 1.30, and fifteen minutes later found the S.S. Henry Middleton, of New York, ashore at Trefusis Point, Falmouth Harbour.

She was a steamer of over 4,300 tons, bound from Cherbourg for the United States. At the master's request the life-boat took a hawser to the tug Northgate Scot, and about an hour later the tug refloated the steamer. As the steamer had no pilot, the life-boat's second coxswain and bowman went aboard, and, accompanied by the life- boat she went to the Cross Channel, and there anchored. The life-boat waited some time until it was certain that the steamer was not making any water, and returned to her station, arriving there at 5.30 in the morning.— Property Salvage Case..