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LONDON SHIP IN DISTRESS OFF NORFOLK Wells, Norfolk.—At 7.45 in the even- ing of February 8th, 1947, the coast- guard reported that a ship had been seen, anchored, about two and a half miles north-east of the harbour, and might need the life-boat. Just after midnight she wirelessed for a life-boat to stand by her, and at 12.48 the coastguard reported that she was dragging her anchors. A strong east- erly breeze was blowing with a very rough sea. The motor life-boat Cecil Paine was launched at 1.35 and found that the ship was the motor vessel Spi- rality, of London. She had three anchors down, and the life-boat stood by her until a tug arrived at six o'clock, took her in tow, and made for King's Lynn.

The life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 8.30 in the morning.— Rewards, £38 15,?..