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Norwegian Medals

THE Norwegian Government has awarded silver medals and diplomas to Mr. E. Selby Davidson, honorary secretary of the Tynemouth station, Coxswain George Lisle, W. Johnson, the motor mechanic, and Bartholomew Taylor, a member of the crew, for the rescue of twenty-one lives from the 20,000-ton motor vessel Oslo Fjord on December 8th, 1940. The Oslo Fjord had been struck by a mine or torpedo and her captain ran her ashore. There the life-boat found her, already being broken up by the heavy seas. The Institution awarded bronze medals to Mr. Selby Davidson and the coxswain, vellums to the two other men, and £35 to the coxswain and crew, but the censor forbade any mention of this rescue at the time. Those four medals bring the total number of medals won by life-boatmen during the war to 223.