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LAUNCHERS' ORDEAL Hastings, Sussex. — At 5.32 in the evening of February 20th, 1947, the coastguard telephoned that the Bexhill police had reported flares about five miles south of Bexhill. An easterly breeze was blowing with a moderate sea and it was very cold. The motor life-boat Cyril and Lilian Bishop was launched at 7.15. It was low water and the crew and forty launchers had the greatest difficulty in getting her over a sandbank. They were working for half an hour up to their waists in the icy - cold water. The life-boat searched for two hours, but found nothing and returned to her station at 9.24 that evening.—Rewards: An increase in the usual money awards on the standard scale was made to the crew and helpers. Standard rewards, £47. 4s. 6d.; additional rewards, £10 10s.; total rewards, £57 14s. 6d..