Jim M.
BRINGING A SICK MAN ASHORE Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, Norfolk.
—At 9.25 in the evening of February 7th, 1947, information was received through the coastguard that the motor vessel Jim M., of London, which was anchored about three miles N.E. from Gorleston Pier, needed a doctor for a sick man. A moderate east by south gale was blowing, with a rough sea and a heavy swell. The motor life-boat Louise Stephens, with a doctor, was launched at 9.57 P.M., but it -was only with difficulty that she put him on board the JimM., and she was damaged in doing so. In that heavy sea it was too risky to transfer the sick man to the life-boat so she brought the doctor back, arriving at 11.0 at night. Next morn- ing the weather was still so bad that the Jim M. could not enter harbour to land the sick man, so the life-boat went out at 10.10 with the doctor.
This time she was able to take the sick man on board, and landed him safely at 11.27.—Rewards, First ser- vice, £11 8s.; Second sendee, £14 4s. 6d.