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Awards to Coxswains and Life-Boatmen

To JAMES E. BUMBLE, on his retirement, after serving for twenty-two years as coxswain of the Sheringham life-boat, a coxswain's certificate of service and an annuity.

To DAVID ARTHUR, on his retirement, after serving for sixteen and a half years as coxswain and two and three-quarter years as bowman of the Ferryside life-boat, a coxswain's certificate of service and an annuity.

To MURDO SINCLAIR, on his retirement, after serving for fifteen and a half years as coxswain of the Barra Island life-boat, a coxswain's certificate of service and an annuity.

To CHARLES A. JOHNSON, on his retirement, after serving for thirteen years as coxswain of the Great Yarmouth and Gorleston lifeboat, a coxswain's certificate of service and an annuity.

To PETEH.MCPHEE, on his retirement, after serving for thirteen years as coxswain of the Port Askaig life-boat, a coxswain's certificate of service and an annuity.

To THOMAS H. BLOOM, on his retirement, after serving for ten and three-quarter years as coxswain, six and a half years as second coxswain and thirteen and three-quarter years as bowman of the Walton and Frinton life-boat, a coxswain's certificate of service and an annuity.

To JOSEPH O'HANLON, on his retirement, after serving for seven years as coxswain and eight years as second coxswain of the Dun Laoghaire life-boat, a coxswain's certificate of service and an annuity.

To WILLIAM ARTHUR, on his retirement, after serving for six and a half years as coxswain, two and three-quarter years as second coxswain and one and three-quarter years as bowman of the Lerwick life-boat, a coxswain's certificate of service and an annuity.

To JOHN J. TYRRELL, on his retirement, after serving for five years as coxswain and thirty-seven and a half years as a member of the crew of the Arklow life-boat, a lifeboatman's certificate of service and a gratuity.

To JAMES RAFFAN, on his retirement, after serving for one year as coxswain, six and a half years as assistant motor mechanic and three and a half years as a member of the crew of the Whitehills life-boat, a life-boatman's certificate of service.

To SAMUEL ADAIR, on his retirement, after serving for nineteen years as second coxswain and twenty-five years as a member of the crew of the Cloughey. life-boat, a lifeboatman's certificate of service and an annuity.

To WALTER POWER, on his retirement, after serving for seventeen years as second coxswain, six years as bowman and eighteen years as a member of the crew of the Kilmore life-boat, a life-boatman's certificate of service and an annuity.

To ARTHUR J. H. SWAN, on his retirement, after serving for nine years as second coxswain, one year as bowman, and forty years as a member of the crew of the Lowestoft life-boat, a life-boatman's certificate of service and an annuity.

To WILLIAM P. HENDER, on his retirement, after serving for eight years as second coxswain, seven years as bowman and thirtysix years as a member of the crews of the Beaumaris and Penrnon life-boats, a lifeboatman's certificate of service arid an annuity.

To JOHN MC!NTYRE, on his retirement, after serving for two and three-quarter years as second coxswain and thirty-one and a quarter years as a member of'the crew of the Campbeltown life-boat, a life-boatman's certificate of service.

To HENRY TONKIN, on his retirement, after serving for fifteen and one-third years as bowman of the Falmouth life-boat, a lifeboatman's certificate of service and an annuity.

To GEORGE T. PATTON, on his retirement, after serving for twelve and a half years as bowman and twenty-nine and a half years as a member of the crew of the Runswick life-boat, a life-boatman's certificate of service.

To JACK RIMMER, on his retirement, after serving for eight and three-quarter years as bowman and thirty and a quarter years as a member of the crew of the Blackpool lifeboat, a life-boatman's certificate of service and a gratuity.

To SWEENEY MCGEACHY, on his retirement, after serving for two and three-quarter years as bowman and twenty-three and a quarter years as a member of the crew of the Campbeltown life-boat, a life-boatman's certificate of service.

To WILLIAM B. MACKIE, on his retirement, after serving for fifteen years as assistant motor mechanic and eighteen years as a member of the crew of the Margate life-boat, a life-boatman's certificate of service.

To PHILIP FARROW, on his retirement, after serving for thirty-nine years as a member of the crew of the Walton and Frinton life-boat, a life-boatman's certificate of service..