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The S.S. Noordam

Walmer Kent.—At 4.20 P.M. on the * 4th October, 1939, the Deal coastguard reported that the s.s. Noordam, of Rotterdam, lying off Deal, had signalled for a boat to take a man ashore for an immediate operation. A strong E. by S. wind was blowing with a rough sea and squalls of rain. No other suitable boat being available the motor life-boat Charles Dibdin (Civil Service No. 2) was launched at 4.45 P.M., after a second urgent signal had been made. The patient was brought ashore,accompanied by two members of the ship's crew, and sent to hospital. The life-boat reaching her station again at 5.45 P.M. The owners, The Holland- America line made a donation of £25 in gratitude for this service.—Rewards, £21 18s. 9d..