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Summary of a Meeting of the Committee of Management

Thursday, 9th November, 1939.

Sir GODFREY BARING, Bt., in the chair.

Resolved that the Finance Committee be re-named "Finance and General Purposes Committee." Paid £27,617 Is. 7d. for the total charges of the Institution during the month, including rewards for services, payments for the construction of life-boats, life-boathouses and slipways, and the maintenance of life-boat stations.

Included in the above were:— £843 2s. 3d. to pay the rewards for life-boat services; £994 11s. 3d. to pay the rewards for lifeboat launches; (Accounts of these services and launches appear on pages 236-254); £20 7s. for the assemblies of crews, etc.; £76 12s. Sd. on account of pensions already granted to the dependent relatives of men who had lost their lives in the life-boat service at Cullercoats, New Brighton and Rye Harbour; £6 5s. to a woman for injury in the life-boat service at Hythe.

Voted £63 on account of additional rewards to the crews of the Cromer and Walton and Frinton life-boats.

Voted, subject to review, an allowance of £1 a week to D. HARLAND, on his resignation of the post of coxswain of the Whitby No. 2 life-boat, in view of his disability arising out of an accident on life-boat service.

Voted £31 to pay the rewards for shoreboat services at Aberystwyth, Barrow, Cape Clear, Co. Cork, Fleetwood and Hoylake, accounts of which appear on pages 254and255..