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S.S. Alphald

Ramsgate, Kent.—At 2.35 A.M. on the 22nd October, 1939, the Deal coastguard reported by telephone that the Dutch steamer s.s. Alphald, of Rotterdam, was aground near the N.W.

Goodwins Buoy, close to the wrecked s.s. Mahratta. A moderate N.E. breezewas blowing. The sea was smooth.

After consultation with the senior naval officer at Ramsgate the motor life-boat Prudential was launched at 3.33 A.M. She found that the steamer had refloated with the rising tide, but was in need of a pilot. The life-boat arranged this with the pilot cutter, and then returned to her station at 8.15 A.M.—Rewards, £19 7s. 3d..