H.R.H. The Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll
H.R.H. THE PRINCESS LOUISE, Duchess of Argyll, who died on 3rd December, 1939, at the age of ninety-one, had for many years been personally associated with the work of the Institution. She became president of its Kensington branch in 1914. In 1923 she became patron of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, which had been formed two years before to unite in one body all women workers for the Life-boat Service. In 1926 she attended the meeting of the general council of the guild which was held in London at the house of its president, the Duchess of Sutherland, with H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, KG., presiding.
The Princess remained patron of the guild and president of the branch until her death, and until the end retained her personal interest in the work of the service..