Advanced search

Evelyn and Margaret and the Hilda

Scarborough, Yorkshire.—On the 3rd November, 1939, three local fishing cobles were at sea. The wind was light from the S.E., but the sea was very rough. At 12.20 P.M. the motor life-boat Herbert Joy II was launched and found the coble Evelyn and Margaret a mile to the east. She passed life-belts to her crew, and escorted her through heavy seas into harbour. She then put out again, picked up the second coble Hilda two miles to the E.N.E., took on board a boy, passed life-belts to the crew of two, and escorted the coble into harbour.

She then put out a third time, passed life-belts to the Premier, and escorted her in. She returned to her station at 4.50 P.M.—Rewards, £19 Us. 6d..