The Humber, Yorkshire.—While returning to Hull after a visit to Spurn on the 23rd July, the small sailing yacht Pinta, of Hull, manned by five sea scouts, was forced to put back by a rising wind. The sea was moderate, but a fresh westerly breeze was blowing with heavy gusts. The scouts were in difficulties with the sails so they dropped anchor, but the anchor dragged and the yacht was in danger of going ashore. At 1.45 P.M. the motor lifeboat City of Bradford II was launched, and towed the yacht to Grimsby, which was reached at 3.25 P.M. After her crew had been given a meal by the Royal National Mission for Deep Sea Fishermen the life-boat returned, arriving at 8.80 P.M. Thanks and donations were sent to the Institution.
—Permanent paid crew: Rewards, 9*..