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A Boat

Ilfracombe, Devon.—Shortly before 6 P.M. on the 3rd September, 1939, information was received from the police that a small boat was in difficulties outside the breakers in Woollacombe Bay. A squally W. by S. wind was blowing, with a heavy ground sea.

The motor life-boat Rosabella was launched at 6.11 P.M. and found the small boat with a man and two boys on board. They were keeping her afloat by baling. All three were wet through, and the boys were distressed and exhausted.

They had been out since ten in the morning. The life-boat took them on board and towed the boat to Ilfracombe, arriving at 8.40 P.M. The rescue was witnessed from the shore at Woollacombe by a large crowd of visitors and residents.—Rewards, £19 6.T..