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the Eglantine

Angle, Pembrokeshire.—At 3.50 P.M.

on the 17th January, 1939, the St.

Ann's Head coastguard reported that a French schooner was in distress two miles south of the Head. She was the Eglantine, of Treguier, bound laden from Cardiff for France. A strong south wind was blowing, with a rough sea, and the weather was thick. The motor life-boat Elizabeth Elson put out at 4 P.M. and came up with the Eglantine off Thorn Buoy. Her cargo had shifted and her mainsail had been blown away. The life-boat escorted her to a safe anchorage off Milford, and returned to her station at 7 P.M.— Rewards, £11 14*. 3d..