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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management

Thursday, 9th February, 1939.

Sir GODFREY BARING, Bt., in the chair.

Resolved that the St. Ives, Cornwall, station be temporarily closed.

Resolved that a joint meeting of the boat and construction committees be held at an early date to consider the general question of the future of self-righting motor life-boats and other relevant matters.

Paid £33,455 Us. 8d. for the total charges of the Institution during the month, including rewards for services, payments for the con- struction of life-boats, life-boathouses and slipways, and the maintenance of life-boat stations.

Included in the above were:— £178 11s. to pay the rewards for life-boat services; £405 12*. 9d. to pay the rewards for life- boat launches; (Accounts of these services and launches appear on pages 87-94); *19 5s. 6 J. for assemblies of crews, etc.; £161 7s. 8d. on account of pensions already granted to the dependent relatives of men who had lost their lives in the life-boat service at New Brighton, Rye Harbour and St. Ives; £33 3s. to men for injury in the life-boat service at Aberdeen, Cromer, Flamborough and Whitby.

Voted £33 on account of additional rewards to the crews of the Padstow, Penlee, and Rosslare Harbour life-boats.

(Accounts of these launches appear on pages 87, 92 and 94.) Reported the capsizing of the St. Ives life- boat on service on the 23rd January, 1939, with the loss of seven of her crew of eight, approved the pensions granted to the dependants under the Institution's pension scheme and made a donation of £10 to the survivor.

Voted a compassionate grant of £5 to Alfred E. Tart in view of his long services as second coxswain and winchman at the Dungeness life-boat station.

Voted a compassionate grant to cover the funeral expenses of A. Redpath, the late motor mechanic at Holyhead, who died from illness while in the service of the Institution, and the removal expenses of his widow to London.

Voted £7 14s. 6d. to pay the rewards for the Ballycotton, Dungeness, and Tenby shoreboat services, accounts of which appear on page 97.

Thursday, 9th March, 1939.

Sir GODFREY BARING, Bt., in the chair.

Resolved that the services of Captain E. S.

Carver, R.D., R.N.R., superintendent of stores, be extended to 31st December, 1940.

Resolved that Mrs. E. Leeming and Mr. J.

Terry (now joint secretaries) be appointed independent organizing secretaries for Greater London, their respective districts to be named Central London (with parts of Kent and Surrey) and Outer London.

Resolved that a letter of congratulation be sent to the Shipwrecked Mariners' Society on the attainment of its centenary.

Reported the receipt of the following special contribution:— £ s. d.

The late Mr. James Attfield, F.C.A. . . . . 500 0 0 Paid £31,541 3s. Id. for the total charges of the Institution during the month, including rewards for services, payments for the con- struction of life-boats, life-boathouses and slipways, and the maintenance of life-boat stations.

Included in the above were:— £90 4s. 6 Z. to pay the rewards for life-boat services; £92 9s. to pay the rewards for life-boat launches; (Accounts of these services and launches appear on pages 94-96); £2 19s. for assemblies of crews, etc.; £5 6s. Wd. additional rewards for services already reported; £492 17s. 9d. on account of pensions already granted to the dependent relatives of men who had lost their lives in the life-boat service at Aldeburgh, Caister, Fethard, Filey, Fraserburgh, Holyhead, Johnshaven, The Mumbles, New Brighton, Newhaven, Pad- stow, Port St. Mary, Rhoscolyn, Runswick, Rye Harbour, St. Andrews, St. Ives, Troon and Whitby; £82 17s. 6d. to men for injury in the life- boat service at Blackpool, Buckie, Caister, Moelfre, Newhaven, and Port St. Mary.

Voted £5 on account of additional rewards to the crew of the Walmer life-boat.

(An account of this launch appears on page 94.) Decided that the special weekly allowance now being paid to James Bultitude, an ex- member of the crew of the Caister life-boat who was injured at a launch in November, 1929, be continued for another year.

Decided that the special weekly allowance now being paid to Henry Marchant, who has been incapacitated by illness since going out on service in the Newhaven life-boat in November, 1929, be continued for another year.

Awarded posthumous bronze medals to three and bronze second-service clasps to the other four of the seven men who lost their lives in the life-boat disaster at St. Ives on the 2irJ January, 1939, the medals to be given to the widows, and a bronze medal to the one survivor.

Voted £200 17s. 3d. to defray the funeral expenses of the seven men who lost their lives in the St. Ives life-boat disaster of the 23rd January, 1939.

Voted £10 14s. to pay the rewards for shore- boat services at The Humber, Purton (River Severn) and Walmer, accounts of which appear on page 97..