St. Ives Memorial: The Mayor's Fund
ON 23rd April a memorial tablet to the seven men of the St. Ives crew, who lost their lives on 23rd January last, was unveiled at the St. Ives Seamen's Institution by Mr. N. A.
Beechman, M.C., M.P. for St. Ives.
The Mayor of St. Ives presided. The tablet is the gift of Messrs. Gardiner & Sons, of Bristol; the frame has been presented by Mr. Robin Nance, of St.
Ives, and a barometer above it has been provided by the members of the institute.
On 12th March a memorial service was held in the St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church, of Highland Park, Michigan, in the United States of America. It was attended by about 800 Cornish men and women. The sermon was preached by the Very Rev.
Dr. Kirk O'Farrell, Dean of the Cathedral, who mentioned that last year he had preached in Truro Cathedral, and had seen a practice launch of the St. Ives life-boat. Dr.
Sidney D. Eva, assistant to the Bishop of the Methodist Church of Michigan, also spoke and recalled that his grand- father had been chief of the coastguard near Godrevy, where the life-boat came ashore, and that his grandmother was born at Godrevy Farm, where William Freeman, the only survivor, was taken in when he crawled ashore from the wreck.
The Mayor of St. Ives's fund for the dependents of the men who lost their lives has been closed at £10,500.
This total includes a large sum given for a memorial. Should a breakwater be built at St. Ives and the Institution enabled thereby to provide St. Ives with a motor life-boat of a large type, with a boat-house and launching slip- way, it is proposed that the memorial should be placed near the slipway..