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Sister Pat

Fleetwood, Lancashire.—At 11 A.M.

on the 17th February, 1939, the motor boat Sister Pat, belonging to Fleetwood, with two men on board, was seen by the second coxswain of the life-boat to be making distress signals. She was being driven by the wind and tide across the Pilling Sands opposite to the lifeboathouse.lifeboathouse.

A fresh S.W. breeze was blowing, with a choppy sea and rain.

The motor life-boat Frederick H. Pilley was launched at 11.15 A.M. She found the Sister Pat with her engines stopped by lack of fuel, dragging her anchor, and drifting into a dangerous position.

The life-boat towed her into harbour, arriving at 11.55 A.M. The rescued men expressed their thanks, and the angling club of which they were members made a donation to the Institution.

—Rewards, £8 13s..