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News from the Branches. 1st February to 30th April

Greater London.

BALHAM.—Special meeting. Branch formed. Lieut.-Colonel G. F. Doland, O.B.E., J.P., M.P., L.CC., patron; the Mayor of Wandsworth, president; Kngr. Rear-Admiral W. M. Whayman, C.B., Councillor Evan Rees, M.I.G.E., Councillor G. F. Beare, Mr.

F. Beare, Mr. E. Wadlow, Mr. J. W.

Lightfoot, vice-presidents; Mrs. G. Beare, chairman; Mrs. A. Martin, vice-chairman; Mr. J. M. Tokeley, honorary treasurer; Mrs. Haskings, honorary secretary; Mr. J. C.

Hounsfleld, A.C.A., honorary auditor.

BARNET.—Mrs. Bernard Smith ap- pointed joint honorary secretary in succession to Mrs. Moore.

BATTERSEA.—Major H. C. Gribble, D.S.O., appointed honorary treasurer in succession to Mr. J. Morrish. Lecture to Battersea and Wandsworth British Legion.

BEXLEYHEATH.—Dance. Whist drive with short address. Rummage sale.

BURNT OAK, EDGWARE.—Life-boat ball at Edgware.

CHELSEA.—Annual meeting on 7th Feb- ruary at the Royal Hospital Chelsea, by kind permission of General Sir Harry and Lady Knox. Speaker: Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., chairman of the Institution. Efforts of the past year: Life-boat day. Amount collected in 1938 £386, an increase of £28 on 1937.

CLAPHAM.—Annual meeting on 21st April. Efforts of the past year: Whist drives, garden fete, life-boat day. Amount collected in 1938 £459.

Whist drives.

CROYDON.—Lantern lecture at Whitgift School by Mr. Drynan.

BALING.—Life-boat day workers' meet- ing. Speakers: Captain E. S. Carver, R.D., R.N.R., superintendent of stores, and the district organizing secretary. Address by Mr. V. Leleux to Baling League of Nations Union.

ELTHAM.—Addresses to Eltham British Legion and New Eltham Branch West Wool- wich Conservative Association.

ENFIELD.—Address to the Rotary Club by the district organizing secretary.

HACKNEY.—Annual meeting on 1st March, the Mayor, patron, presiding.

Speakers: Councillor W. E. Loweth, C.B.E., D.C., J.P., president, Mrs. Wilson, chairman, Mrs. White, honorary secretary, and Flight- Lieut. W. E. Westwood, honorary treasurer.

Amount collected in 1938 £64, an increase of £60 on 1937.

HAMMERSMITH.—Whist drive, with short annual meeting during the interval at which the Mayor, president of the branch, was in the chair. Speakers: Lieut.-Col. C. R.

Satterthwaite, O.B.E., secretary of the Institution, Sir Marshall Hays, J.P., chair- man, and Mrs. Rosefleld, honorary secretary.

Efforts of the past year: Life-boat day, swimming gala. Amount collected in 1938 £65, an increase of £27 on 1937.

HORNSEY.—Annual meeting on 27th February, the Mayor, president, in the chair.

Speakers: Colonel A. D. Burnett Brown, M.C., T.D., deputy secretary of the Institu- tion, and Councillor J. L. R. Webb, honorary secretary. Efforts of the past year: Whist drives, dance, life-boat day. Amount col- lected in 1938 £312, an increase of £12 on 1937.

Whist drive organized by Mr. E. H.

Bennett, assistant honorary secretary, and Mrs. Bennett, with address by the district organizing secretary.

HOUNSLOW, HESTON AND ISLE- WORTH.—Whist drive at Hounslow or- ganized by Miss Ankritt, honorary secretafy, and the branch committee, with address by the district organizing secretary; and pre- sentation of prizes by Mrs. E. H. Keeling.

ISLINGTON.—Life-boat day workers' meeting at the Town Hall. Speaker: Lieut.- Col. C. R. Satterthwaite, O.B.E., secretary of the Institution.

MALDEN AND COOMBE.—Whist drive with address by the Rev. G. M. Longsdon, M.A., president of the branch.

PINNER.—Miss Livingstone appointed honorary secretary.

ROMFORD.—Lantern lecture to Carlisle Guild by Mr. A. A. Lamb, honorary secretary.

ST. ALBANS AND DISTRICT.—Special meeting, the Mayor, chairman, presiding.

Speakers: Miss Silvester, honorary secretary, and the district organizing secretary.

SOUTHGATE.—Address to the Round Table by Captain E. S. Carver, R.D., R.N.R., superintendent of stores.

STOKE NEWINGTON.—Special meet- ings, the Mayor presiding. Speaker: The district organizing secretary.

SURBITON.—Drawing room meeting, by kind permission of Mrs. Blay. Speaker: Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., chairman of the In- stitution.

TOOTING.—Address to Rotary Club by Captain Basil Hall, R.N.

TWICKENHAM.—Annual meeting on 6th February. Alderman Edgar Ollis, J.P., chairman, presiding. Speaker: The district organizing secretary. The Mayor attended and was elected president. Amount collected in 1938 £46.

Address to Townswomen's Guild.

UXBRIDGE.—Life-boat day at Iver, Iver Heath and New Denham.

i In the March Issue tbe news was Incorrectly given as from 1st October to 31st December, 1933. It should have been to 31st January, 1939. WELLING.—Social afternoon with address by Captain E. S. Carver, R.D., R.N.R., superintendent of stores. Whist drives held monthly.

WEMBLEY.—Address to the Rotary Club by the district organizing secretary.

WIMBLEDON, MERTON AND MOR- DEN.—Whist drive, with presentation of the statuette of a life-boatman, awarded by the Institution, to Miss Johnston, honorary treasurer, by Mrs. Whyham, honorary secretary.

WOODFORD AND DISTRICT.—Lantern lectures at Woodford Green by Mr. G. E.

Hovell, at Wanstead, by Mr. Wilton, and at Buckhurst Hill. Visit of St. Aubyn's School, Woodford Green, to storeyard.

Lantern lectures to Camberwell Public Libraries, Livesey Library, and to the South London Art Gallery, by Mr. V. Leleux.

Lectures to Brockley Baptist Church, Goffs Oak Women's Institute, and to the Union of Girls' Schools for Social Service, Peckham, Dulwich Scientific and Literary Association, and at Willesden.

North-West of England.

ACCRINGTON.—Annual theatre collec- tions.

APPLEBY.—Life-boat day.

ASHTON - UNDER - LYNE. — Annual meeting on 17th April, the Mayor in the chair. Speaker: The district organizing secretary. Efforts of the past year: American tea. Amount collected in 1938 £22.

Presentation to Mrs. H. Ashworth, hon- orary secretary of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, of the statuette of a life-boatman, awarded to her by the Institution.

Life-boat day. British tea.

BACUP.—Life-boat days.

BARROW-IN-FURNESS.—W hist drives organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

Address by the district organizing secretary to the Barrow Sailors' Home Mission and Institute.

BLACKPOOL.— Annual meeting on 23rd February, the Mayor, president, in the chair.

Speaker: Lieut.-Col. C. R. Satterthwaite, O.B.E., secretary of the Institution. Efforts of the past year: Life-boat day, Sunday service, life-boat launches with collections, collections at life-boat house and sale of souvenirs, collections in hotels and boarding houses. Amount collected in 1938 £2,673, an increase of £1,818 on 1937.

Seventh annual life-boat Sunday service at the Church of St. Stephen-on-the-CIiffs.

The Mayor and Mayoress, members of the town council, officials and workers of the Blackpool branch and members of th« Blackpool and Fleetwood life-boat crews attending. Preacher: The Rev. Canon F. B.

Freshwater, vicar of St. Stephen's and chaplain of the Blackpool branch. The Lessons were read by the coxswain and second-coxswain. The Blackpool life-boat band, conducted by Mr. J. Brier, accom- panied the service.

BOLTON.—Annual meeting on 23rd March, the Mayor, president, in the chair.

Speaker: The district organizing secretary.

Efforts of the past year: Life-boat day, annual Ladies' bowling handicap, whist drives. Amount collected in 1938 £273.

Mr. Arthur Lawson elected chairman of the branch.

" Mile of Pennies" effort in progress.

Address to members of the Soroptimist Club ofBolton. Whist drive. Whist drive arranged by Mrs. W. E. Topping.

BREDBURY.—Life-boat day.

BRIERFIELD.—Bridge drive.

BURY.—Annual meeting on 30th March, the Mayor, president, in the chair. Speaker: The district organizing secretary. Amount collected in 1938 £140.

CARLISLE.—Annual meeting on 24th February, the Rev. Canon Boulton, Vicar of Crosby-on-Eden, presiding in the absence of the Dean of Carlisle. Speaker: Lieut.-Col.

C. R. Satterthwaite, O.B.E., secretary of the Institution. Efforts of the past year: Life- boat day at Silloth, whist drive and dance.

Amount collected in 1938 £172.

CARNFORTH.—Presentation to Mrs. W.

Mason, honorary secretary, of the statuette of a life-boatman, awarded to her by the Institution.

CHESTER. — Annual meeting on 14th March, the Mayor, president, in the chair.

Speaker: The district organizing secretary.

Efforts of the past year: Life-boat day, Mayor's appeal for subscriptions. Amount collected in 1938 £184, an increase of £3 on 1937.

Whist drive organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.


COCKERMOUTH.—Annual meeting on 7th March, Lady Lawson, president, in the chair. Speaker: The district organizing secretary. Amount collected in 1938 £48, an increase of £6 on 1937.

COLNE, AND CONGLETON.—Life-boat days.


DALTON - IN - FURNESS. — Annual house-to-house collection.

DARWEN.—Special meeting on 21st April, the Mayor in the chair. Speaker: The district organizing secretary. Amount collected in 1938 £25.

DOUGLAS.—Annual meeting on 14th Jan- uary, Deemster Farrant, president, in the chair in the absence of the Lieutenant-Governor of the Isle-of-Man. Efforts of the past year: Life-boat day, sacred service, collections at life-boat house, collections in hotels and boarding houses. Amount collected in 1938 £082.

Cinema performance with collections.

EARBY.—Bridge and whist drive.FARNWORTH.—Annual meeting on 27th February, Mrs. J. Johnston, president, in the chair. Speaker: The district organizing secretary. Amount collected in 1938 £65.

Whist drive.

HEYWOOD.—Whist drives.

HINDLEY.—Annual meeting and whist drive on 15th February. Efforts of the past year: Life-boat day, whist drive and dance.

Amount collected in 1938 £65, an increase of £7 on 1937.

Mrs. Baxter elected honorary treasurer in succession to Mrs. Wilson.

HOLLINGWORTH.—Annual dance and whist drive.

HORWICH.—Annual house-to-house col- lection.

HYDE.—Annual meeting on 4th April, the Mayor, president, in the chair. Speaker: The district organizing secretary. Efforts of the past year: Life-boat days, whist drives.

Amount collected in 1938 £74.

KENDAL.—Annual bridge and whist drive. Life-boat day.

KESWICK.—Life-boat day.

LAKE DISTRICT.—Bridge and whist drive, organized by Mrs. M. Musgrave and Mrs. D. Kendall.

LEIGH.—Life-boat day.

LIVERPOOL.—Annual meeting on 31st March, the Lord Mayor, president, in the chair.

Speaker: Colonel "A. D. Burnett Brown, M.C., T.D., deputy-secretary of the Institu- tion. Efforts of the past year: House-to house collections by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, shipping appeal, masonic appeal.

Amount collected in 1938 £2,386.

Life-boat day.

LYMM AND HEATLEY.—Life-boat day.

LYTHAM ST. ANNE'S.—Annual meeting on 24th March, Alderman W. Ingham presiding in the unavoidable absence of the Mayor. Speaker: The district organizing secretary. Amount collected in 1938 £238.

Presentation of the certificate of service awarded by the Institution to Ex-coxswain J. R. Wignall.

American tea organized by the Lytham Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

MACCLESFIELD.—Annual meeting on 28th April, the Mayor, president, in the chair.

Speaker: The district organizing secretary.

Amount collected in 1938 £144.


CHEADLE HULME.—Special meeting, Councillor Mrs. H. Hartley in the chair.

Speaker: The Manchester, Salford and District branch secretary. Ladies' Life- boat Guild re-constituted and the following officers elected: President, Councillor Mrs.

H. Hartley; vice-presidents, Mrs. Blezard, Mrs. Brimble; honorary treasurer, Mrs.

Levell; joint honorary secretaries, Miss V. Littler and Miss G. Kirkham.

Special meeting on 31st March, Coun- cillor Mrs. H. Hartley, president, in the chair. Speaker: The branch secretary.

Exhibition of life-boat films by Mr. T. S.

Rothwell. Life-boat day.

CHEETHAM HILL.—Annual meeting on 20th February, Dr. I. W. Slotki, M.A., Litt.D., president, in the chair.

Mrs. A. Moss elected honorary secretary in succession to Miss R. Slotki.

CHORLTON - CUM - HARDY.—Special meeting, Mrs. T. Silvey elected president; Miss E. A. Bough, honorary treasurer; Mrs. Thorne, honorary secretary.

ECCLES.—Annual meeting on 21st March, the Mayor, president, in the chair.

GORTON. — Ninth annual cabaret, supper-dance and whist drive.

KNUTSFORD.—Annual meeting on 8th March, Miss G. Ashworth, honorary treasurer, in the chair.

Life-boat day.

LEVENSHULME.—Annual meeting on 26th April. Mr. J. MacGregor elected honorary secretary in succession to Miss Sunny Lowry.

MANCHESTER.—Special meeting on 2nd March. Mr. P. T. Eckersley, J.P. M.P., elected chairman of the executive com- mittee in succession to the late Alderman Joseph Crookes Grime, O.B.E., J.P.

Annual meeting of Ladies' Life-boat Guild on 27th April, Miss F. M. Grime, president, in the chair.

Dance arranged by the Ecomonic Youth Movement. Address by the branch secretary to members of the Economic Youth Movement.

NORTHENDEN.—Address by branch secretary to the Young People's Guild of Service.

PLATTING.—Special meeting, Alder- man A. James, J.P., in the chair.

Speaker: the Manchester, Salford and District branch secretary. Life-boat Guild formed and the following officers elected: Patron, the Rt. Hon. J. R. Clynes, D.C.L., J.P., M.P.; president, Sir Frederick J.

West, C.B.E., J.P.; vice-presidents, the Rev. J. S. Hepworth, Mr. Geoffrey Parkes, Mi. J. Warden Stansfield, M.A.; chairman, Alderman A. James, J.P.; vice-chairman, Councillor C. F. Howarth; honorary treasurer, Mr. W. P. Robson.

SALFORD.—Address by the branch secretary to members of the Salford Methodist Guild.

STYAL.—Life-boat day.

URMSTON.—Annual whist drive and dance. Whist drive.

WHITWORTH PARK AND CHORL- TON - ON - MEDLOCK.—Whist drive, organized by Miss Amy Robinson, president of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

WILMSLOW.—Life-boat day.

MIDDLEWICH.—Life-boat day.MILNTHORPE.—Annual meeting on 2nd March, Mr. W. Iniff in the chair. Amount collected in 1938 £29, an increase of £8 on 1937.

Mr. W. Houghton elected chairman, and Mr. F. S. Fox honorary secretary in succession to Mr. W. Iniff.

Life-boat day.

MORECAMBE AND HEYSHAM.—Dance, bridge and whist drive, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

MOSSLEY.—Life-boat day.

NANTWICH.—Annual meeting on 15th February, Mrs. C. A. Codrington, president, in the chair. Speaker: The district organizing secretary. Amount collected in 1938 £89, an increase of £14 on 1937.

NEW BRIGHTON.—Naming ceremony of the new motor life-boat (a special report will appear in a later issue of The Life-boat).

Annual dinner and entertainment to the life- boat crew.

NORTHWICH.—Life-boat day. Bridge drive, organized by Mrs. Gillbert, Mrs.

Harper and Mrs. Batty.

OLDHAM.—American tea, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

ORRELL.—The branch has suffered a severe loss by the death of Mrs. W. Nixon, a member of the committee.

PEEL.—The station has lost an old cox- swain by the death, at the age of 65, of Coxswain Charles J. Cain. He served as second-coxswain for five years and coxswain for 15 years, retiring in 1920, when he was awarded a certificate of service and a gratuity.

POYNTON AND WORTH. — Annual dance, whist drive, life-boat day.

PRESTON.—Annual meeting on 20th Feb- ruary, the Mayor, president, in the chair.

Speaker: The district organizing secretary.

Efforts of the past year: Life-boat day in the outlying districts. Whist drive. Amount collected in 1938 £207, an increase of £35 on 1937.

RADCLIFFE.—Whist drive, arranged by Mrs. Ethcridge.

ROCHDALE.—Annual meeting on 8th February, the Mayor, president, in the chair.

Speaker: The district organizing secretary.

Amount collected in 1938 £151.

ROMILEY.—Life-boat day.

RUNCORN.—Bridge drive, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

ST. HELENS.—Whist and bridge drives.

SADDLEWORTH.—Life-boat day.

SILVERDALE.—Annual meeting on 15th March, Mrs. E. S. Sharp, president, in the chair. Speaker: The district organizing secretary. Amount collected in 1938 £38.

Mrs. Makin appointed chairman of the Guild.

Gardens of Grey Walls opened to the public.

SOUTHPORT.—Whist drive, organized by Mrs. J. L. Curlander.

STOCKPORT.—Thanksgiving service at Christ Church, attended by officers and members of the branch and Ladies' Life-boat Guild committees, the Portwood Sea Cadet Corps, assistant county commissioner Martin and his Sea Scouts. Preacher: the Rev.

T. F. Ethell. Whist and bridge drive, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

Life-boat days.

TODMORDEN.—Annual meeting on 28th March. Speaker: The district organizing secretary. Effort of the past year: Life-boat day. Amount collected in 1938 £79.

WESTHOUGHTON.—Whist drive.

WHITEHAVEN.—Special meeting, Mr.

A. C. S. Thom-Postlethwaite, in the chair.

Speaker: The district organizing secretary.

Branch re-constituted, and the following officers elected: President, Lady Ponsonby; chairman, Mrs. A. C. S. Thom-Postlethwaite; honorary treasurer, Mr. T. M. Oldfield; honorary secretary, Miss Margaret I. Walker.

WIDNES.—Annual meeting on 22nd February, the Mayor, president, in the chair.

Speaker: The district organizing secretary.

Amount collected in 1938 £32, an increase of £6 on 1937.

Whist drive, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

WIGAN.—Annual bridge and whist drive.

North-East of England.

BADSWORTH.—Whist drive.

BAWTRY.—House-to-house collection.

BENTLY.—Whist drive.

BERWICK.—The branch has suffered a severe loss by the death of Captain D. H.

Gibsone, D.S.O., R.I.N., its honorary secre- tary. (See Obituary.) Concert.

BEVERLEY.—Life-boat day. Whist drive.

BLYTH.—Annual meeting on the 15th March, the Mayor presiding. Efforts of the past year: Dance, whist drive. Amount collected in 1938 £312.

Dinner, whist drive.

BRIDLINGTON. — Annual meeting on 7th March. Amount collected in 1938 £224.


BRIGHOUSE.—Life-boat day.

CAMPSALL.—Whist drive and social.


DARFIELD.—Whist drive.

DARLINGTON.—Annual meeting on 29th March, the Mayor presiding. Efforts of the past year: Life-boat day, whist and bridge drives.

Amount collected in 1938 £223.

DONCASTER.—Life-boat day. Dance at Thurnscoe.

DRIFFIELD.—Annual meeting on 8th March. Efforts of the past year: Garden fete.

Amount collected in 1938 £25.

FILEY.—Dance.GOLCAR.—Whist drive.

HALIFAX.—Life-boat day.

HARROGATE.—Bridge and whist drive, dance.

HECKMONDWIKE.—Life-boat day.

HEPWORTH AND SCHOLES.—House- to-house collection.

HONLEY.—House-to-house collection.

KEIGHLEY.—Life-boat day.

LEEDS.—Annual meeting, the Mayor presiding. Speaker: the Vicar of Leeds.

Amount collected in 1938 £752.


NEWCASTLE.—Life-boat day.

OSSETT.—Bridge drive.

POCKLINGTON.—Life-boat day. Whist drive.

REDCAR AND TEESMOUTH.—Life- boat crew dinner and social.

RUNSWICK.—Whist drive and dance.

SEAHAM.—Whist drive and dance.

SELBY.—Bridge drive. Life-boat day.

SHEFFIELD.—Annual meeting on 19th April, the Lord Mayor presiding. Speaker: the Bishop of Sheffield. Efforts of the past year: Works appeal, life-boat day. Amount collected in 1938 £374, an increase of £12 on 1937.

Dance, jumble sale.

SKELMANTHORPE.—House - to - house collection.

SKIPTON.—Life-boat day.

SOUTH KIRBY.—Collection in cinema, whist drive and dance.

SOUTH SHIELDS.—Dinner, bridge and whist drive.

STAINFORTH.—Life-boat day.

STANHOPE.—House-to-house collection.

STOCKSLEY.—Bridge drive.

SUNDERLAND.—Whist drive.

THORNE MOORENDS.—Life-boat day.

TYNEMOUTH.—Annual dinner.

WAKEFIELD.—Bridge, whjst drive and dance. Presentations to the retiring president, Mrs. Pickles.


WHITBY.—The station has lost an old officer of the life-boat by the death, at the age of 61, of Mr. James Kelly. He served for 11 years as bowman and second-coxswain, retiring in 1930 with a certificate of service and a pension.

WITHERNSEA.—Whist and bridge drive.


ASHBOURNE.—Life-boat day.

BIRMINGHAM.—Annual meeting, the district organizing secretary presiding in the unavoidable absence of Mr. C. H. Dobinson, M.A., chairman. Speaker: Captain R.

Trenam, M.B.E., M.C., organizing secretary for the North-West of England. Amount collected in 1938 £2,469, an increase of £122 on 1937.

Presentation of the statuette of a life-boat- man awarded by the Institution to Miss Mabel Upton, of Moseley.

House-to-house collections, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, at Alum Rock, Handsworth, West Bromwich, Selly Park and Brookvale. Collection at the Birming- ham Hippodrome.

Lantern lectures to the Barford Road Council school, the Court Oak branch of Unionists and to the Birmingham branch and Ladies' Life-boat Guild members. Addresses to the English Martyrs R.C. School, Spark- hill; Selly Park Junior School; the Smeth- wick Rotarians; the Smethwick Women's Unionists, and the Soho Hill Women's Movement.

Life-boat day at Smethwick.

Annual meeting of the Smethwick branch, the Mayor presiding; speaker: The district organizing secretary. Amount collected in 1938 £69.

Concert arranged bv Mr. S. Poynton and his Carnival Concert Party; West Bromwich.

Dance arranged by Mrs. Jordan, at Solihull.

Contribution scheme arranged by Mrs.


BELPER, BOURNE, and BRIGG.— Life-boat days.

BROMSGROVE. — Presentation of the statuette of a life-boatman, awarded by the Institution to Mrs. Carter, honorary secretary.

BROWNHILLS.—Jumble sale.

CANNOCK. — Mrs. Beesley appointed honorary secretary.

COLESHILL.—Life-boat day.

COVENTRY.—Annual meeting, Coun- cillor J. Holt, Deputy Mayor, presiding.

Speaker: The district organizing secretary.

Amount collected in 1938 £262, an increase of £43 on 1937.

Presentation of the small figure of a life- boatman awarded by the Institution to Mr.

W. J. Byden, manager of the Astoria Theatre.

GRIMSBY.—Life-boat film " Story of the Life-boat" shown.

KENILWORTH.—House-to-house collec- tion.

LEAMINGTON SPA. — House-to-house collection.


NEWARK.—Annual meeting, Mr. R. P.

Blatherwick, J.P., presiding, supported by the Mayor, Alderman C. H. Dale. Speaker: Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., chairman of the Institution. Amount collected in 1938 £78, an increase of £7 on 1937.

NEW MILLS.—Life-boat day. Life-boat film " Boats that Save Life " shown.

NOTTINGHAM. — Annual display of dancing arranged by the Allen School of Dancing.OAKHAM.—Life-boat day. Film shown at the Regal Cinema.

PERSHORE.—Life-boat day.

PETERBOROUGH. — Annual meeting, the Mayor presiding. Speaker: Colonel the Lord Sempill, a member of the committee of management of the Institution. Amount collected in 1938 £218, an increase of £99 on 1937.

RETFORD.—Life-boat day.

SHEPSHED.—Presentation of the record of thanks awarded by the Institution to Miss Goodall, honorary secretary.

SPALDING.—Life-boat day.

STAMFORD.—Whist drive.

STOKE-ON-TRENT.—Bridge and whist drives.

TETBURY.—Life-boat day.

TOWCESTER.—Whist drive.

UPPINGHAM.—Life-boat day.

WEDNESBURY.—Presentation of the statuette of a life-boatman awarded by the Institution to Mr. A. F. Gaunt, honorary secretary.

WOLVERHAMPTON. — Life-boat day.

Films shown. Dance arranged by Mrs. E. A.

Manby, Codsall.

WORCESTER.—Special meeting of newly- formed committee, Alderman R. R. Fair- bairn, J.P., in the chair, supported by the Mayor, the High Sheriff and branch officers.

Speaker: The district organizing secretary.

Lectures to the Rotarians, Brierley Hill, and to the members of the Explorers' Club, Coventry.

South-East of England.

ALDEBURGH. — Presentation by the layor of the vellum awarded by the Institu- on to Coxswain George Chatten for the rvice to two barges in the gale of 23rd vember, 1938.

ASHFORD.—House-to-house collection at Kennington.

AYLESBURY.—Life-boat day.

BEACONSFIELD.—Life-boat day. Life- boat film "The Story of the Life-boat" shown.

BECCLES.—Life-boat days at Bungay and Halesworth.



Lecture at Sawbridgeworth Women's In- stitute.

BLETCHLEY.—Life-boat day.


—Life-boat day. Lecture to the Women's Section of the British Legion by Capt. H. E.

Holme, R.N. (Ret.), honorary secretary of the branch.

BRIGHTON AND HOVE.—Life-boat ball, organized by Miss N. Blackiston. Angling competition.

BRILL, AND BURNHAM (Bucks).— Life-boat days.

CAISTER-ON-SEA.—Whist drive.

CANTERBURY.—Bridge party, and whist drive. Life-boat film " Boats that Save Life" shown, with collections.

CATERHAM.—Bridge drive. Competition at North Downs Golf Club.

CHELMSFORD.—Whist drive.

CLAY GATE.—House-to-house collection .

COBHAM.—Presentation by Lieut.-Col.

C. R. Satterthwaite, O.B.E., secretary of the Institution, of the record of thanks awarded by the Institution to Miss Margaret Power, late honorary secretary.


DARTFORD.—Life-boat day. Whist drive.

EASTBOURNE AND DISTRICT. — Dance at Brightling. Lectures to the Upper- ton League of Youth, Hailsham, and Polegate Women's Institute.


FOLKESTONE.—Life-boat ball, organized by Mr. H. G. Challice Harvey and Miss Edna Harrison.

GERRARDS CROSS.—Life-boat day.

GREAT YARMOUTH AND GORLES- TON.—Dinner to the life-boat crew, given by Mr. H. Bond, a member of the branch committee. Badminton tournament and whist drive, arranged by the Ladies'Life-boat Guild.

HALSTEAD AND GOSFIELD. — The branch has suffered a severe loss through the death of Mrs. Lowe, its president for many years, and a holder of the Institution's gold badge (See "Obituary").

Whist drive.

HARWICH.—The branch has lost an old coxswain by the death of Coxswain Adam Garnett. He was second-coxswain and then coxswain for 14 years, retiring in 1917 with a pension.

HASTINGS AND ST. LEONARDS.— Life-boat day at Battle. Collection at Pier Theatre.

HAYWARDS HEATH.—Branch formed; honorary secretary Paymaster Commander A. G. Lander, R.N.R. Lecture at Wivelsfield Women's Social Club.

ISLE OF SHEPPEY.—Lantern lecture at Eastchurch Women's Institute by Miss Jaffray, J.P., vice-president of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

KING'S LYNN. — Life-boat film "The Story of the Life-boat" shown, with collec- tions.

LEWES.—Address to the Rotary club by Rear-Admiral T. P. H. Beamish, C.B., M.P., a member of the committee of management of the Institution.

MARCH, AND MARLOW. — Life-boat days.

MIDHURST.—House-to-house collections.NEWHAYEN.—Annual meeting, Mr. R. J.

Cardy, chairman, presiding. Efforts of the past year: Life-boat days at Newhaven and Peacehaven. Amount collected in 1938 £101, an increase of £12 on 1937.

Dinner to the life-boat crew. Speaker: Rear-Admiral T. P. H. Beamish, C.B., M.P., a member of the committee of management of the Institution. Lecture to the Towns- women's Guild.

RAMSGATE.—Presentation by the Deputy Mayor of the certificate awarded by the Institution to Mrs. Rose Thomas, widow of John Thomas, signalman of the St. Ives life-boat, who lost his life in the disaster on 23rd January, 1939.

REIGATE AND REDHILL. — Bridge drive. Lecture at Battlebridge Women's Institute.

ST. IVES (Hunts.).—Annual meeting, Mrs. F. M. Warren, president, in the chair.

Efforts of the past, year: Life-boat day.

Amount collected in 1938 £65, an increase of £16 on 1937.

Life-boat film ' Boats that Save Life ' shown, with collections.

SEAFORD.—American tea. Speaker: The district organizing secretary.

SELSEY.—Whist drive.

SHOREHAM.—Bridge evening, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

SLOUGH.—Life-boat day. Jumble sale.

TUNBRIDGE WELLS.—Lecture to Mat- field Mothers' Union by Miss Dorothy Davies, chairman of the branch. Address to the Women's Section of the British Legion by the district organizing secretary, with a show of life-boat films.

UCKFIELD AND DISTRICT.—Life-boat day. Lecture at Fletching Women's Institute.

WALTON AND FRINTON.—Officers and crew of the life-boat entertained to supper by the yacht club. Dinner to the life-boat crew.

WELLS-ON-SEA.—Cinema collection.

WELWYN.—House-to-house collection.

WHITSTABLE.—Life-boat day.

WINSLOW.—Life-boat day. Whist drive.

WOKING.—Competition at New Zealand Golf Club.

WOLVERTON.—Life-boat day at Stony Stratford.

Lectures to the Broxbourne Young Peo- ple's Fellowship, the Dockenfield Women's fpellovsrship, the Haslemere branch of the Royal Naval Old Comrades Association, and to the Women's Institutes at Bassingbourn, Burnham-on-Crouch, Crowborough, Dunsfold, Partridge Green, Rolvenden, St. Catherine's (Guildford), Sheering, Ugley, and Winkfield.

South-West of England.

ALTON.—Life-boat day.

AXMINISTER.—Life-boat day at Honi- ton.

BARNSTAPLE.—Life-boat day at South and North Molton.

BATH.—Annual meeting, the Mayor, vice-president of the branch, in the chair.

Speaker: The district organizing secretary.

Amount collected in 1938 £323.

BRADFORD-ON-AVON.—Life-boat day.

BRIDGWATER.—Annual dance at North PethertOTi.

BUDE.—Concert and dance in aid of the Mayor of St. Ives' life-boat disaster fund.

CALNE.—Life-boat day. Presentation, of record of thanks awarded by the Institution to Mrs. Wiltshire, honorary secretary.

CAMBORNE.—Two concerts and dance.


EXETER.—Annual meeting, the Mayor, vice-president of the branch, in the chair.

Speaker: Colonel the Hon. Harold Robson, a member of the committee of management of the Institution. Efforts of past year: Life- boat day, bridge and whist drives, jumble sale. Amount collected in 1938 £250, an increase of £33 on 1937.

Bridge drive. Life-boat day at Kennford.

EXMOUTH.—Launch of life-boat during Exmouth publicity week. Presentation of record of thanks awarded by the Institution to Mrs. Rowlandson, honorary secretary at Budleigh Salterton.

FALMOUTH.—Life-boat day. Concerts, dance and whist drive in aid of the Mayor of St. Ives' life-boat disaster fund. Lantern lecture by Mr. Williams.

FAREHAM.—Life-boat day in Fareham and surrounding villages. Dance by the Reserve Fleet Working and Supplementary Social Club, Portsmouth.

GOSPORT.—Address to the Town Ward Women's Branch of the Gosport and Alver- stoke Constitutional Association, by Mr. H.

Fereday, honorary secretary.

HAYLE.—Competition at West Cornwall Golf Club.

ILFRACOMBE.—American tea, with ad- dress by the district organizing secretary.

ISLE OF WIGHT.—Address by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., chairman of the Insti- tution, to Bembridge Women's Institute, and Young People's Institute, Newport.

JERSEY.—Life-boat "Howard D" ball.

LYME REGIS.—Whist drive, organized by Lyme Regis Rover Scouts in aid of the Mayor of St. Ives' life-boat disaster fund.

NEWTON ABBOT.—Life-b'oat day at Bovey Tracey.

OXFORD.—Address to School of Forestry, Oxford University, by Captain E. S. Carver, R.D., R.N.R., superintendent of stores.

PAIGNTON.—Whist drive and dancing display.

PETERSFIELD.—Play, " On Approval " by the Meonwaras Amateur Dramatic Company.

PLYMOUTH.—Annual meeting of Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Speaker: The district organizing secretary.

17th Annual Physical Training Display, arranged by Mrs. Scantlebury.

Whist drive at Plymstock. Concert in aid of the Mayor of St. Ives' life-boat disaster fund.

POOLE—Annual meeting, the Mayor, president of the branch, in the chair. Speaker: Captain Guy Fanshawe, R.N., a member of the committee of management of the Institu- tion. Efforts of past year: Life-boat day, house-to-house collection, opening of gardens, and balloon race. Amount collected in 1938 £268.

Concert at Wimborne. Whist drive at Christchurch.

PORTSMOUTH. — Annual meeting of branch and Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Sir Harold Pink, chairman of the branch, presiding, supported by the Lord Mayor, president of the branch. Speaker: Sir God- frey Baring, Bt., chairman of the Institution.

Amount collected in 1938 £525.

Prizes in the life-boat essay competition for elementary schools presented by Admiral the Earl of Cork and Orrery, G.C.B., G.C.V.O., Commander-in-Chief, Portsmouth.

READING.—Special meeting. Speaker: The district organizing secretary. Life-boat day. Address to Goring Women's Institute.

REDRUTH.—Life-boat week.

SALISBURY.—Life-boat day. Whist drive at Breamore.

SHEPTON MALLET.—Life-boat day at Bruton.

SOUTHAMPTON.—Annual meeting, the Mayor, president of the branch, in the chair.

Speaker: Lieut.-Col. C. R. Satterthwaite, O.B.E., secretary of the Institution. Efforts of past year: Life-boat day, whist drives and theatre collections. Amount collected in 1938 £800. Sir Benjamin Chave, K.B.E., elected chairman of the branch in succession to Mr. C. J. Sharp.

Whist drive.

ST. AUSTELL. — Private subscription dance in aid of the Mayor of St. Ives' life-boat disaster fund.

SWANAGE.—Annual meeting. Amount collected in 1938 £142, an increase of £1 on 1937.

Lantern lecture to Durlston Court School by Mr. Millward.

THAME.—Annual meeting, Sir Ralph Pearson, vice-president of the branch, in the chair. Speaker: Captain E. S. Carver, R.D., R.N.R., superintendent of stores. Amount collected in 1938 £79, an increase of £6 on 1937.

TORQUAY.—Annual meeting of Ladies' Life-boat Guild, the Mayoress, president, in the chair. Speaker: The district organizing secretary.

Bridge afternoon and whist drive.

TROWBRIDGE.—Life-boat day.

WANTAGE.—Life-boat day at Shriven- ham.

WARMINSTER.—Life-boat day.

WELLS.—Life-boat day. Display of life- boat films at Regal Cinema, with address by Captain Basil Hall, R.N.

WINCHESTER.—Life-boat day at Aires- ford.

Lectures at Aldershot, Banbury and Bournemouth.

Scotland. ' "" ABERDEEN.—Annual meeting on 20th April. The Lord Provost presided and presented the vellums awarded by the Insti- tution to the life-boat crew for their services to the Roalin on 5th November, 1937.

Speaker: The Scottish organizing secretary.

Efforts of the past year: Annual ball, life-boat day and house to house collection. Amount collected in 1938 £956, an increase of £97 on 1937.

Performance of "The Red Umbrella," by the Albyn School F.P. Dramatic Club.

ABERLOUR.—Life-boat day.

ALLOA.—Annual meeting on 16th Feb- ruary, Mr. A. R. Procter presiding. Speaker: Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., chairman of the Institution. Efforts of the past year: Life- boat days and appeal for subscriptions.

Amount collected in 1938 £212, an increase of £6 on 1937.

ARBROATH. — Annual concert and cinema entertainment organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Mr. David Chapel, honorary secretary of the branch, presiding.

The film " Story of the Life-boat" shown.

AUCHTERMUCHTY.—Life-boat day.

BANFF.—Whist drive.


BURNTISLAND AND ABERDOUR.— Annual meeting on 30th January, Bailie Meldrum presiding. Efforts of the past year: Life-boat days and whist drive.

Amount collected in 1938 £72.

Whist drive, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Prizes presented by Miss Bell.

CARNWATH.—Life-boat day.

COATBRIDGE.—Exhibition of life-boat films and collection in cinemas.

CRIEFF.—Annual meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild on 8th February, Mrs.

Stewart of Millhills presiding. Speaker: The district assistant secretary. Efforts of the past year: Life-boat day, garden opening and appeal for subscriptions. Amount col- lected in 1938 £112.

Jumble sale.

DINGWALL.—Life-boat day.

DUNDEE.—Annual meeting on 6th March Efforts of the past year: Life-boat day, house-to-house collection and bridge drive.

Amount collected in 1938 £1,025, an increase of £69 on 1937.

DUNFERMLINE AND ROSYTH.—An- nual meeting on 17th February, Admiral Sir John F. E. Green, K.C.M.G., C.B., vice-president, in the chair. Bailie Clark wel- comed the meeting on behalf of the Provost and Magistrates. Speakers: Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., chairman of the Institution, and Rear-Admiral E. C. O. Thomson, D.S.O., Commanding Officer Coast of Scotland.

Efforts of the past year: Dances, midnight matinee, life-boat day, concert and house-to- house collection. Amount collected in 1938 £80.

EDINBURGH.—Annual meeting of the branch on 14th February, the Lord Provost presiding. Speakers: Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., chairman of the Institution, Rear-Admiral E. C. O. Thomson, D.S.O., Commanding Officer Coast of Scotland, and Harriet, Lady Findlay, D.B.E., J.P., president of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Efforts of the past year: Life-boat ball, bridge and -whist drive, whist drive, life-boat day, open golf meeting and appeals for subscriptions. Amount col- lected in 1938 £2,186.

Annual meeting of Ladies' Life-boat Guild on 14th February, Harriet, Lady Findlay, D.B.E., J.P., president, in the chair.

Address to the Haig Unemployed Club by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., chairman of the Institution, Lt.-Colonel William Robertson, V.C., O.B.E., presiding. Bridge and whist drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Prizes presented by Mrs. R. H.

Maconochie and Mrs. Kenneth MacEwan, vice-presidents. Thanksgiving service in St.

Giles' Cathedral for the life-boat service and life-boat day workers. Address by Lieut.- Col. C. R. Satterthwaite, O.B.E., secretary of the Institution, to the Rotary Club. Address to St. Giles' Municipal Association. Lantern lecture.

Life-boat day and cinema collections.

ELIE.—Annual meeting on 15th February, the Provost presiding. Speaker: Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., chairman of the Institution.

Efforts of the past year: Whist drive, market stall, life-boat day and visit of Anstruther motor life-boat. Amount collected in 1938 £153.

Whist drive and pound stall.

FALKIRK AND POLMONT.—Life-boat days. Lantern lecture.

FORFAR.—Annual meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild on 15th February, the Hon.

Nancy Arbuthnott, president, in the chair.

Efforts of the past year: Whist drive and life-boat ball. Amount collected in 1938 £96.

FORRES.—Life-boat day.

FORT WILLIAM.—Evening party.

GALASHIELS.—Daffodil day.

GLASGOW.—Life-boat day at Kilmacolm.

Lantern lecture.

GOUROCK.—Whist drive at which Pro- vost Rees-Pedlar presented the life-boat picture awarded by the Institution to Miss M. M. Murray, honorary secretary of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Life-boat day.

HAMILTON.—Life-boat day.

KEITH.—Annual meeting on 4th April.

Efforts of the past year: House-to-house collection. Amount collected in 1938 £33.

KILMARNOCK.—Annual meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild and bring-and-buy sale, and sale of daffodils on 18th April, Lady Rowallan, president, in the chair. Speaker: The Scottish organizing secretary. The Life- boat film "Boats that Save Life" shown.

Efforts of the past year: Bridge drives, cinema collections, life-boat day, sale of souvenirs, football collection, and dancing display.

Amount collected in 1938 £212, an increase of £2 on 1937.

KIRKCALDY.—Whist drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Viscountess Novar, G.B.E., LL.D., president, presented the prizes.

KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE. — Whist drive, arranged by the southern and western district of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Provost Brown presiding. Prizes presented by Mrs. Cathcart of Ardendee.

KIRKINTILLOCH.—Special meeting, Mr.

Robert Dickson, J.P., presiding, at which the branch and Ladies' Life-boat Guild were re-constituted. Speakers: The Scottish organizing secretary and the Rev. J. M.


LAMINGTON.—Life-boat day.

LEVEN.—Annual meeting 16th February, Mrs. Hutchison, president of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, in the chair. Speaker: Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., chairman of the Insti- tution. Efforts of the past year: Whist drive and life-boat day. Amount collected in 1938 £79, an increase of £6 on 1937.

After the meeting a whist drive was held.


LONGHOPE.—Annual ball, organized by the recreation club of Metal Industries, Ltd.

METHIL.—Concert, Captain Wallace pre- siding. Address by the district assistant secretary.

MILLPORT.—Annual meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Miss. Paterson, president, in the chair. Speaker: The district assistant secretary. Efforts of the past year: Life-boat day. Amount collected in 1938 £34, an increase of £1 on 1937.

PAISLEY.—Military whist and bridge drive, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Lady King Clark presiding. Prizes presented by the Marchioness of Clydesdale.

Life-boat day.

PETERHEAD.—Annual meeting. Efforts of the past year: Annual ball, life-boat day and Sunday concert. Amount collected in 1938 £181, an increase of £75 on 1937.

Annual Sunday concert, Provost Schultze presiding. The film " The Story of the Life- boat" shown.

RENFREW.—Basket whist drive, or- ganized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

ROSYTH.—House-to-house collection.

SALTCOATS.—Annual meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Mrs. George Fuller- ton, presiding. Speaker: The district assistant secretary. Efforts of the past year: Life-boatday and whist drive and dance. Amount Deflected in 1938 £68, an increase of £7 on 1937.

Lantern lecture.

STIRLING.—Special meeting, Mr. J. D.

Valentine presiding. Speaker: Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., chairman of the Institution.

TROON.—Annual joint church service in the Old Church, the Rev. A. G. Stewart officiating. The Rev. J. L. Cotter and the Rev. Thomas Fitch also took part in the service.

VALE OF LEVEN.—Whist drive and dance.

WHITBURN.—Life-boat day.

WICK.—Whist drive.

Lantern lectures at Ardgay, Kilsyth and Newton Grange.


(Including Herefordshire, Monmouthshire and Shropshire.) ABERTILLERY.—Annual meeting on 2nd March, Mrs. Dolman, president in the chair. Efforts of the past year, appeal for subscriptions and life-boat day. Amount collected in 1938 £18, an increase of £3 on 1937.

BARRY.—A whist drive and dance, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

CAERNARVON.—Special meeting, Mrs.

A. G. Board in the chair. Speaker: The district organizing secretary. Branch formed, Mrs. E. V. Stanley Jones elected honorary secretary.

CARDIFF.—At home, by Mrs. Frank Webber, chairman of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Lantern lectures at H.M. Prison, and to the Ely British Legion, and the congrega- tion of St. Saviour's Church.


LLANDUDNO.—The branch has suffered a severe loss by the death of its honorary secretary, Mr. J. J. Marks (see " Obituary ").


MUMBLES.—Whist drive and dance, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

NEWPORT (MON.).—Military whist drive, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, with address by the district organizing secretary.


PONTYPRIDD.—Annual meeting on 13th March, Mrs. Edgar Jenkins, president, in the chair. Speaker: The district organizing secretary. Amount collected in 1938 £70, an increase of £18 on 1937. Miss R. M. Sum- mers elected honorary secretary in place of Miss Gowan, resigned.

PORTHCAWL.—Annual meeting, on 27th February, Mrs. Frank Gaskell, president in the chair. Speaker: The district organizing secretary. Amount collected in 1938 £19.

Mrs. J. Owen Davies elected chairman, and Mrs. R. W, M. Parfitt honorary secretary.

Bridge drive.

PWLLHELI.—The station has lost an old officer of the life-boat by the death of Ex-second Coxswain William Jones. He was bowman for nine years and 2nd-cox- swain for fourteen years, retiring in 1934 with a pension and a certificate of service.

SWANSEA.—Whist drive and dance, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

WREXHAM.—Special meeting, the Mayor presiding. Speaker: Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., chairman of the Institution. The branch reformed. The Deputy Mayor elected chair- man of the committee and Mrs. Arthur Davies honorary secretary.


BALLYDEHOB.—Life-boat day.

BANGOR, CO. DOWN.—Annual meeting, Mr. Howard Walker presiding. Speakers: Mrs. R. W. Wilkinson, the honorary secretary, Commander P. V. Kilgour and the district organizing secretary. Amount collected in 1938 £157.

BELFAST.—Annual meeting on 22nd March, Mr. R. E. Workman, the chairman, presiding. Speaker: Lieut.-Col. C. R. Satter- thwaite, O.B.E., secretary of the Institution.

Amount collected in 1938 £1,292.

CORK.—Annual card tournament, or- ganized by Mrs. Charles Buckley, the honorary secretary, and members of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

COURTMACSHERRY.—The station has lost an old coxswain by the death of ex-cox- swain John Maloney. He was bowman and then coxswain from 1909 to 1925, when he retired with a pension.

DROGHEDA.—Presentation by the Mayor of the vellums awarded by the Institution to Mr. Patrick Hogan and Mr. Michael Gibson for their gallantry at Bettystown, Co. Meath, in rescuing a woman bather who had been carried out to sea on a rubber mattress.

Speakers: The Mayor and the district in- spector of life-boats.

DUBLIN.—Annual meeting of the branch and Ladies' Life-boat Guild, the Lord Mayor presiding. Speaker: Lieut.-Col. C. R. Satter- tbwaite, O.B.E., secretary of the Institution.

Amount collected in 1938 £1,034.

Bridge drive, organized by Lady Taylor.

(Continued on page 128.)DUN LAOGHATRE.—Annual meeting, Mr. Gerald Byrne, chairman, presiding.

Speaker: Lieut.-Col. C. R. Satterthwaite, O.B.E., secretary of the Institution. Amount collected in 1938 £271.

Annual whist drive.

GALWAY.—Presentation by the Mayor, with Mr. T. Kenny presiding, of the vellums awarded by the Institution to the coxswain and crew for the rescue on the night of 16th August, 1938, of the men of the steam trawlers Nogi and Ilatano, of London. The medals awarded by the Institution for the same service were presented to them by the Duke of Kent at the annual meeting in London, on 26th April, 1939.

NEWCASTLE. — Annual meeting, Dr.

Robert Magill, the chairman, presiding.

Speaker: Lieut.-Col. C. R. Satterthwaite, O.B.E., secretary of the Institution. Amount collected in 1938 £103.

TANDRAGEE.—Annual meeting. Amount collected in 1938 £34, an increase of £6 on i'J37.


THE LIFE-BOAT is published quarterly and is sent free to all honorary secretaries of branches and the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, to coxswains, honorary workers, subscribers of ten shillings and over, libraries, the principal hotels, and the Press.

It is the current record of the work of the life-boat service, and the chief means bij which it keeps its workers, subscribers, and the general public informed of its activities.

Unless you are keeping a complete set of the journal you will help the Institution if, after reading this number, you mil pass it on to a friend.

All contributions for the Institution should be sent either to the honorary secretary of the local branch or guild, or to Lieut.-Col. C. R. Satterthwaite, O.B.E., the Secretary, Royal National Life-boat Institution, 42, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.I.

All enquiries about the work of the Institution or about the journal should be addressed.

to the Secretary.

The next number of THE LIFE-BOAT will be published in September, 1939..