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The Tank Steamer Pass of Ballater

Peel, and Port Erin, Isle of Man.—On the night of the 1st December, 1938, information from the coastguard was received at both life-boat stations that the tank steamer Pass of Ballater, of London, was in distress and needed tugs. A moderate W.N.W. gale was blowing, with a heavy sea. The Peel motor life-boat Helen Sutton was launched at 8.55 P.M., and five minutes later, the Port Erin motor life-boatEthel Day Cardwell. They found the steamer several miles to the westward of the island. Her engine had broken down. The life-boats stood by until about 4 A.M. when tugs arrived from Belfast. They got the Pas* of Ballater in tow and the life-boats left for their stations, Peel arriving at 4.40 A.M. and Port Erin at 6.15 A.M. An increase in the usual money award on the standard scale was granted to each member of the two crews.—Standard rewards to crews: Peel £15,; Port Erin, £15; additional rewards to crews: Peel, £4; Port Erin, £4 105. Total rewards: Peel, £28 9s.; Port Erin, £22 11s..