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The Royal Sovereign Lightvessel

Eastbourne, Sussex.—The motor lifeboat Jane Holland was launched at 1.20 P.M. on the 1st December, 1938, as the coastguard had reported that the Royal Sovereign Light-vessel was flying the International Code Signal "U.S."—"May I land my sick." She was also firing rockets. The life-boat reached the Royal Sovereign at about 2 P.M. and found that one of her crew was very ill. She took him off and brought him ashore at 3.45 P.M. He was sent straight to hospital. It is a coincidence that forty-seven years ago to the day—1st December, 1891— the Eastbourne life-boat brought ashore an injured man from the same lightvessel.

The Elder Brethren of the Trinity House made a contribution of £20 towards the rewards granted.— Rewards, £21 14s..