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The Motor Drifter Linnet

Barrow, Lancashire.—In the evening of the 12th December, 1938, the coastguard at Walney Island reported that a vessel appeared to be ashore about one and a half miles N.W. of Walney lighthouse. She was burning flares.

A moderate south breeze was blowing,with a moderate swell. The motor life-boat N.T. was launched at 8.10 P.M.

and found the vessel to be the motor drifter Linnet, of Banff, bound, in ballast, for Fleetwood. She could not get alongside as the water was too shallow, but, at the request of the Linnet's master, stood by for some hours until the Linnet refloated. She was making water, so the life-boat escorted her into Fleetwood, and returned to her own station at 4 A.M.

next morning. She had then been at sea for nearly eight hours.—Rewards, £15 7s. 6d..