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The Motor Cobles Hilda and Kingfisher

Scarborough, Yorkshire.—Early in the morning of the 23rd November, 1938, a strong S.S.E. gale arose, with a rough sea and heavy rain. The two motor cobles Hilda and Kingfisher were at sea to the northward, and in great danger of being swamped. The motor life-boat Herbert Joy II was launched at 7.30 A.M. She found the Kingfisher about three miles away and escorted her to harbour. Going out again she found the Hilda four miles to the northward and escorted her home, arriving at 10.12 A.M. The life-boat was not rehoused until, at 12.30 P.M., it was learnt that a Filey boat, which had not been accounted for, was safe.—Rewards, £20 11s..