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The Dredger Foremost 18

St. Mary's, Isle of Scilly.—At about 9.30 A.M. on the 22nd December, 1938, it was learned that a dredger was in difficulties near the Spanish Ledges and wanted a pilot. A N.E. gale was blowing, with sleet and snow showers, and the sea was rough. A pilot would not go in his own boat and at 9.45 A.M. the motor life-boat Cunard was launched with him on board. She found the dredger Foremost 18, of St.

John, N.B., bound from Newfoundland for Southampton. Another pilot had reached her a few minutes earlier.

He asked the life-boat to stand by until he could get the dredger under control. Eventually the dredger was taken into St. Mary's harbour and the lifeboat returned at noon.—Rewards, £7 Us..