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The Danish Schooner Nordstjernen

Stromness, Orkney.—At about 12.30 P.M. on the 2nd November, 1938, the Kirkwall coastguard reported that the Danish schooner Nordstjernen, of Marstal, was dismasted and drifting helplessly, ten miles north of Noup Head, Westray, and about forty miles from Stromness. A whole west gale was blowing, with a very heavy sea. The motor life-boat J.J.K.S.W. was launched at 12.50 P.M. and reached the position given at about 6 P.M. She could find no trace of the schooner, but continued searching until, at 2 A.M. next morning,she received a wireless message from Wick Radio that the schooner had been picked up by a trawler which was towing her to Pierowall, Westray. The lifeboat sheltered under the lee of Papa Westray until daylight, and returned to her station at 1.30 P.M. She had been at sea for nearly twenty-five hours.

A letter of thanks was received from the Danish government. A letter of appreciation was sent by the Institution to the coxswain and crew, specially mentioning the mechanic, who had stayed in the cabin working the radio for over six hours, and an increase in the usual money award on the standard scale was granted to each member of the crew.— Rewards: Standard rewards to crew, £30 45.; additional rewards to crew, £18.

Total rewards, £49 4*..