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Stromness, Orkney.—During the night of the 9th—10th December, 1938, the Grimsby steam trawler Rinovia, homeward bound from fishing, and carrying a crew of nineteen, ran aground at Rusk Holm, Isle of Eday. Her signals of distress were seen by the coastwatcher at Eday and he reported by telegram to the Kirkwall coastguard.

News was received at the life-boat station at about 12.15 A.M., and the motor life-boat J.J.K.S.W. was got away at 12.40 A.M. A strong S.E.

breeze was blowing, with a moderate sea, and the weather was showery.

The life-boat reached the Rinovia at 5 A.M., and found a drifter standing by.

At the request of the Rinovia's master the life-boat stood by, and later, with some difficulty owing to the very strong tide, ran out an anchor from her, and took on board a hawser. At high tide the life-boat towed while the Rinovia hauled on her winch, and the Rinovia was refloated. The life-boat then made for her station, which she reached at 4 P.M. She had been on service for over fifteen hours.—Property Salvage Case..