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Pamela and Water Lily

Ilfracombe, Devon.—Shortly after 3 P.M. on the 18th November, 1938, a southerly wind was rapidly rising to a gale, with a rough sea. Three rowing fishing boats could be seen at sea by the coastguard, and at 3.30 P.M. the motor life-boat Rosabella was launched.

She found the Pamela, with a man and his two young sons on board, off Rillage Point, seas were breaking over her and she was partly filled with water.

The two boys were taken on board the life-boat and the Pamela taken in tow.

The life:boat then made for the Water Lily, which, with a crew of two, was about a mile farther to the east. Her crew were exhausted, and she was also taken in tow. The third boat was able to get in without help. The lifeboat with the two boats and their crews of five reached Ilfracombe Harbour at 4.40 P.M.—Rewards, £21 Ss. 3d..