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Kyle Prince

Holyhead, Anglesey.—On the night of the 8th October, 1938,the City of Bradford I, doing temporary duty at Holyhead, went out in a gale to the steamer Kyle Prince, of Liverpool, and rescued her crew of nine.—Rewards, The thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum to Coxswain Richard Jones and the motor mechanic, Gilbert E. Barrs, a letter of thanks to the honorary secretary of the station, Lieut. L. A. C. May, R.N., and a reward of £1 to the coxswain, motor mechanic and each of the other six members of the crew, in addition to the ordinary scale reward of 19s., making a total reward of £1 19*. to each man.

Standard rewards to the crew, £5 14*.

Additional rewards to the crew £8.

Total rewards, £13 14s..