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Selsey, Sussex.—-The motor life-boat Canadian Pacific was launched at 12.30 A.M., on the 26th November, 1938, as flares had been seen some miles S.S.E.

A whole W.S.W. gale was blowing, with a very heavy sea and rain. The life-boat found the motor vessel Assurity, of London, making very heavy weather, about a mile and a half west of the Owers Light-vessel. She had not enough power to make headway against wind and sea. The life-boat stood by until 4 A.M., and then escorted her into the shelter of St. Helen's Roads, Isle of Wight. Owing to the very bad weather the life-boat could not be rehoused and went to Portsmouth.

She arrived there at 8 A.M., after seven and a half hours at sea in exceptionally bad conditions. The Institution sent a letter of appreciation to the branch and an increase in the usual money award on the standard scale was granted to each member of the crew.—Standard rewards to crew, £18 16*.; additional rewards to crew, £4 10s.. Total rewards, £36 3s. 5d..