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A Sand-hopper

Barmouth, Merionethshire.—On the morning of the 26th November, 1938, the coastguard reported a vessel ashore off the Dysinni River. A W.N.W. gale was blowing, with a rough sea. The pulling and sailing life-boat Jones-Gibb was launched at 8.50 A.M., but some time later it was learned that there was no one on board the vessel, a sand hopper, which presumably had broken away from a tow. The life-boat was recalled by flares and returned to her station at 1.20 P.M. A letter of thanks was sent to the honorary secretary, Capt. G. B. Piggott, who went by car to the scene of the wreck,' twenty miles away. An increase in the usual money award on the standard scale was granted to each member of the crew and the helpers on shore.—Standard rewards to crew and helpers, £14 18*. 6d.; additional rewards to crew and helpers, £7 17s. 6d. Total rewards, £23 8s. 6d..