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The Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster's Appeal for the Life-Boat Service

THE Institution has received a personal letter from His Eminence the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster (the Most Rev. Arthur Hinsley, D .D.), commending to Catholics the appeal of the life-boat service. It is dated 25th June, 1938.

" Most willingly do I commend to the generosity of Catholics the appeal of the National Life-boat Institution. The work which the members of that Institution have done in the past and are ever ready to do, to succour those who have been placed in peril of their lives by reason of their work upon the 1 An appeal by the Archbishop of Canterbury appeared high seas, so vital a necessity to us island dwellers, should commend itself to all and not only to those who actually live upon our coasts. We all depend upon sea transport for our subsistence, and those engaged in such transport have a very real claim upon our charity, so that when they are in danger they can rely upon the most efficient means being at hand to help them in their dire need.

" I trust, therefore, that your appeal for this worthy cause will have a ready and generous response." in the June number of The lAfe-boat..