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Alderman Joseph Crookes Grime, Manchester, Salford and District

Manchester, Salford and District.

By the death on 80th June, at the age of sixty-four, of Alderman Joseph Crookes Grime, O.B.E., J.P., during his year of office as Lord Mayor of Manchester, the Institution has lost a very generous and active friend. As Lord Mayor he was president of the branch, and, in his private capacity, he was chairman of its executive committee.

He had for many years been associated with the work of the branch, and he re- called that his first duty, at the beginning of his public career, was to organize a cycle carnival for the old Life-boat Saturday Fund, which was closed in 1911. He attended the North-Western Conference at Blackpool less than a fortnight before his death, and the last of his many kindnesses to the service was to entertain to dinner the Blackpool, Fleetwood and Lytham St. Anne's crews; but he was too ill himself to be present..