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A Small Pulling Boat and Ray

Hythe, Kent.—At 10.57 A.M. on the 3rd August, 1938, the coastguard reported that a man had put off from Sandgate in a small pulling boat at 9 A.M. for an hour. He had not returned.

It was assumed that he could not get back. An easterly wind was blowing, the weather was fine, the sea moderate. The motor life-boat TheViscountess Wakefield put out at 11.14 A.M. and saw a motor barge alter course and pick up the man six miles S.S.W. of Hytne. While returning the life-boat fell in with the motor cruiser Ray, of Folkestone, 4 miles S.S.W. of the lifeboat station. She had run out of fuel and the life-boat towed her to Folkestone. It was not until 5 P.M.

that the life-boat was back at her station.—Rewards, £13..