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A Small Boat (2)

Stornoway, Isle of Lewis.—At about 10.15 P.M. on the 4th October, 1938, a message was received from Bayble Island that a small rowing boat, with five young men on board, had put off to some trawlers which were anchored close inshore, and had not returned when expected. A moderate westerly gale was blowing, with a moderate sea and squalls of rain. It was decided to send out the motor life-boat William and Harriot to make a search, but before she set off the Fishery Cruiser Vigilant, which was moored at the quay, intercepted a wireless message from the trawler Carisbrooke, of Grimsby, that a small boat had capsized near her early in the evening, and that only one of the occupants had been rescued. It was thought that this man might need medical help, and the life-boat put out at 11 P.M.

She landed him, and returned to her station at 1.25 A.M.—Rewards, £11 14s..