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A Royal Film Premiere. H.R.H. The Duchess of Kent Present

H.R.H. THE DUCHESS OF KENT was present on 2nd November, 1938, at the Odeon Theatre, kindly lent by Mr.

Oscar Deutsch (chairman and managing director of Odeon Theatres, Ltd.), at a special film performance in aid of the Life-boat Service, organized by the Central London Women's Committee, and a special film committee, of which Mrs. Bertram Abel Smith was chairman and Mrs. Alfred Bossom, vice-chairman.

The programme consisted of the Odeon News Reel of recent events, Walt Disney's latest cartoon in colours, The Whalers, a film in colours of Jerusalem, a new film The Story of the Life-boat (a description of it will be found on page 607), which was being shown for the first time, and then a new film by the Marx Brothers, Room Service, which was also being shown for the first time. The national anthem was played by trumpeters of the Royal Military School of Music, KneUer Hall.

The Duchess was received by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., chairman of the Institution, and Mr. Oscar Deutsch.

Sir Godfrey Baring presented to her the Hon. George Colville, vice-chairman of the Institution, the Duchess of Sutherland, president of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, the Duke of Suther- land, Mr. Philip Reisman, chairman of Radio Picture Corporation, and Mrs.

Oscar Deutsch, and the Duchess of Sutherland presented Mrs. Bertram Abel Smith and Mrs. Alfred Bossom.

Miss Rhona King and Master Tommy Sopwith then presented to Her Royal Highness two dolls (the gift of Messrs.

Harrods, Ltd.), one dressed as Grace Darling and the other as a life-boatman.

The amount raised by the sale of tickets and programmes and by dona- tions was £1,070..