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Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, Norfolk.

—At about 11.15 A.M. on the 29th April, 1938, the coastguard reported that a shrimp boat south of the harbour appeared to be in difficulties. A watch was kept on her, and at 11.38 the motor life-boat John and Mary Meiklam of Gladswood was launched. A N. by W.

gale was blowing, with a rather rough sea. The life-boat found the motor shrimp boat Violet, of Yarmouth, with one man on board, about one and a half miles south of Gorleston Pier.

The Violet's engine had broken down, her sails had been blown away, and she was in danger of swamping. The lifeboat towed her back to harbour, and returned to her station at 12.52 P.M.

A letter of thanks was received from the rescued man.—Rewards, £9 13s..